Stel Camping & Bungalow Resort work to meet the new needs of its customers offering them this new space. A combination between working life and holidays. More and more people are working remotely and we want to offer them a space where they can find the peace and comfort they need.
Work & Holiday
Work Room
A shared space
Our workroom is a pleasant, well-lit common workspace with the technological needed to foster creativity and productivity.
.Located in the heart of the camp, near the shopping area, you can enjoy all the services the campsite after their workday
More informationEquipment
Everything you need
- WiFi Conection
- Printing Service
- Air-conditioning
- water dispenser
- 24h/7
- Reserva un lloc de treball o la sala sencera.
Teletreballar al Càmping Stel
Feina, família i diversió!
- Digues adéu, ciao, aurevoir, byebye a la forma clàssica de treballar.
- Gaudeix d'un entorn privilegiat a peu de platja per a fomentar la creativitat.
- Aten les teves obligacions laborals sense descuidar de la teva família.
- Reserva la teva plaça per hores, comparteix espai i si necessites la sala per a una reunió o entrevista contacta amb recepció..
A first class environment